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                         Earth grew from a cloud of gases and dust swirling around the newly formed sun. particles in the cloud, pulled together by gravity, condensed into a rockly ball that continued to attract bits of rocks and dust into its orbit. The constant shower of fiery meteors added mass to the growing planet. And as earth grew larger, its gravity increased, squeezing its core and boosting the internal temperature of the young planet. More shrinking and heating sent molten rock flowing across the planet’s surface gases bubbled out of the rising lava and escaped, forming a primitive atmosphere that trapped heat near the planet’s sizzling surface.
                                                                                   The steaming planet forms oceans:
Gases escaping from molten lava flowing from earth’s interior set free many chemicals trapped inside the planet. One of those substance-the one upon which all life depends-was water. Escaping as vapor, on stream at the planet’s red hot surface, the water condensed in the black coldness of space and rained back down, only to turn into steam again when it hit earth’s surface. This went on until the maturing planet began to cool; then some water remained on the surface, running downhill to pool in its first billion years, earth had oceans, salted with minerals dissolved out of the crust and simmering with continuing volcanic activity. These early oceans nurtured the chemicals that would later combine to begin the evolution of life.

In earth ‘s shrinking interior radioactive substances decayed generating heat that helped to melt rock lava released gases, forming an atmosphere and water that vapourised and rained backdown on earth.

As earth matured and its surface cooled, rain no longer vapourized when it hit the crust. First tiny rivulets formed then rivers, dissolving minerals cut of the surface rocks and forming great pools.

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